4 min readMay 24, 2021

Mobile Applications are an eminent source of passive income but only if and when they have amassed a lot of users in the initial stages. Getting and retaining these initial users is the job of a realistic and wholesome marketing strategy. Though, most mobile app developers tend to limit their marketing endeavors to social media ads and App Store Optimization (ASO). If done properly, both these marketing strategies have great potential. But, there is always more to marketing than what meets the eye on the web. A website simply dedicated to your mobile app can open new avenues for you and you can tap into a wider target audience with minimal efforts.

You can think of it like, most users looking for information on the web own a smartphone these days. It means that the users looking for information regarding your mobile app can be potential customers that you would not be able to reach if you simply optimize the application for the app store. Having said that, an increasing number of app owners are too busy to develop a bug-free app that developing a website and investing efforts and money into marketing that particular website can look like too much work.

Marketing is understandably demanding and getting the desired results can take quite some time. If you are an entrepreneur, you must think about the long term by keeping the bigger picture in mind. Investing in website development may seem like a bigger monetary constraint and some time and effort but you will be amazed with the results once it starts pouring in. Are you still not convinced that your mobile app needs a website? Check out the advantages of having a website to back your mobile app:


Thousands of applications are launched daily and a large percentage of applications go unnoticed and this problem can be efficiently solved by a website. This is right because till the time that your app is launched, you can definitely not optimize the app download page for its visibility and downloads. Also, you cannot indulge in paid social media promotions for an application that is yet to go live.

But, you can develop a website and create content that makes users curious about the application launch. You can definitely spread a good word of mouth around the application and make sure that you start attracting users the moment you launch your app on the App Store or Play Store. It is easy to populate the website with informative content that discusses how your app can make the users’ life easy. Moreover, you can also upload screenshots and “how-to” videos that give an idea of what the application will be like and how it can be used. Apart from that, you can use the website to lure traffic and these people will be looking forward to the launch of your app.


One of the major challenges of marketing on app stores is that there are a lot of conditions and restrictions to be aware of. For example, the Google Play Store only offers you 4000 characters to describe your app and provide users all the information they need to make the decision to download and use your app. It might be good enough for certain applications but for other app owners, it will be an uphill task. This problem is definitely resolved when you have a website supporting the app. Because a website allows you total freedom and control about the content. Moreover, when you have a website, there is no limitation on the number of screenshots you can add or the number of videos you can upload.

The website content allows your users to make an informed decision if they want to download the app and also makes you look serious about your business. It gives out a good word of mouth that you are taking enough care and efforts in developing your website. Apart from that, it also offers quality support within your app has become a compulsory feature to be added. But, a website can definitely improve the quality of your app.


When you have a secondary website to back your mobile app, your users also have a secondary point of contact to avail when they need more support. This can prove to be a breath of fresh air for users who are tired of contacting a single point of contact and getting rejected.

Similarly, the website also provides a secondary contact point to all the users that are still thinking about downloading your app. By providing your contact details on the website, users can contact you and get rid of questions that may be preventing them from downloading your app or become a paid user.


When you use a website to inform the users, you will be luring a lot of people to that website. If you are unsure about the content you would like to upload, you can always take help of a SEO tool to conduct competitor analysis and find different content ideas that are working well in your field.

Secondly, if you want to take your website seriously, you can work with a SEO company. This will enable you to attract organic traffic when you are focused on improving your app. Any method that you use to gain traffic can be monetised with ads and can act as an alternate source of income.


When you look at the advantages of a useful website that can elevate your mobile app experience, you will be inclined to develop a website for your future mobile applications too. From ensuring that your app is loved by users from the day it is launched to having a great user experience, a website can act as a great source of marketing. Let us know if you think a website can help your mobile application.

